Sunday, May 30, 2010

Genital herpes

Males are affected by genital herpes through a virus called Herpes Simplex, which is transmitted through sexual activities and communicated from one person to another through contact. When a person has a number of sexual partners, the male genital herpes tends to infect them more easily. When you suspect something amiss, even if it is a rash, visit a doctor and get it checked to clear your doubts.

When you are diagnosed with the herpes infection, you should not indulge in sexual activity with your partners, as otherwise it will spread from one to the other. After infection, herpes manifests itself in about two to three weeks.

Two types of Herpes
Males suffer from two types of genital herpes, both of which are serious. Investigations would reveal the kind of herpes you are having. The first kind of herpes known as Type 1 HSV is found around mouth and nose, while Type 2 HSV is limited to genitals. It manifests as blisters or sores over the private parts followed by severe pain especially while passing urine, as the urine passes over the sores. Accompanied with these local conditions, you may suffer from swollen glands, muscular pains, headaches, discharges oozing out from genital organs, etc.

Herpes can be treated medically

Both the symptoms and the disease itself can be treated easily, and there are plenty of medicines to heal the condition. Usually doctors prescribe painkillers to help you tolerate the pain.

There is medication to deal with the symptoms caused by the disease. These are mainly painkillers to help you quell the pain. When you are diagnosed with or are suspecting male genital herpes, there is an immediate need to stop having sex with your single or multiple partners to prevent the disease from spreading from one to another. There are however vaccines to stop you from getting herpes of both varieties. If your partner has been immunized, you may continue to have sex with her, otherwise you should strictly abstain.

Remember genital warts can be very painful, especially in women and untreated warts can lead to cervical cancer in them. Even males face severe pain and embarrassment; hence get the condition treated early.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Foods increasing sexual health

Next step would be - stay in close range of a restroom. Eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, keeping everything in balance in very important. Remember your body is 60 - 70 % water. The earth is 60 - 70% water. DO yoga and meditate. Avoid mental agony.

2.Red Chiles, yum.RED CHILE PEPPERS.
Eating red chile peppers clean out your sinuses. Also rev up your metabolism. These are on the list to rev up your sexual power, they said it today at the gas station on one of those videos on speeding up your sexual power.

3.Papaya is so tasty.PAPAYA.
Papaya is such a sweet tasting fruit. Really tastes good shredded and squeeze some lemon and honey on to make a salad. This is known to stir up your sexual power.

4.Red wine is very good for you.RED WINE.
Red wine is good for you, everything in balance. Stirs up your body to feel very potent.

5.Avocados are full of natural oils.AVOCADO.
Avocados are such a natural oil for your body. Eating them is so good for your skin and sexual power. Mash some up and even make a facial. Relax and meditate with your avocado facial

Friday, May 28, 2010

What do women want?

The most difficult question for men..

1.Women want a man to be confident! Confidence is the number one quality women look for. Don't be wimpy. Don't apologize for everything. Be real. Be you.

2. Women want a man who makes her feel like she's the only one. Women go nuts over a man who will go the extra mile. For example, he opens the door for her, he walks on the right side of the street, he helps her shop. I'm talking about being a GENTLEMAN! If she is cold, offer her your jacket. If she is in trouble, protect her. If there is danger, put your arm around her. Be a real man.

3. Women want a man with a sense of humor. A woman will almost always love a man who can make her laugh. If you are dull, you are boring. If you make a woman laugh, you're halfway home. Take a chance, be real, but be funny. There are several seduction experts who claim that being "cocky" and "funny" are the two most important qualities to attracting a woman. I agree.

4. Women want a man to listen to them (yes, even to the gripes and details of all the craziness) and not necessarily give advice. Many women love to complain about their problems; however, they complain not to receive advice, but merely to sound off. I know it's hard to nod and be supportive, because you want to watch ESPN or do something that to you may seem more exciting, but the fact is, your woman will go to the ends of the earth to love you when you truly listen to them and acknowledge their needs. You need to understand that women need to VENT. Allow her this, and she'll allow you in. Nod. Get involved and provide active listening feedback. Be truly interested in what she is saying without worrying about what you're going to say next. Then, watch what happens as your woman opens up to you more.

Women want men to listen to them, because they have a need to be heard. And, women want their man to express his feelings and trust her with his intimate side. Real listening, with real intimacy, is rare. Real listening is suspending thinking about what to say and being deeply engaged in what she is talking about. Listening requires actively paying attention -- shutting off the chatter mind.

5. Women want men to treat them like they are the sexiest woman on the planet and that no other woman compares. Talking about your ex-girlfriends is not going to score big points with your new woman. Treating her like she's the ONLY one will make her smile for quite a while.

A natural method for penis enlargement..

Take a look at thıs book. ıt is cheap and safe, ı trıed and ıt worked..

Thursday, May 27, 2010

World-wide penis sizes..

Here is the result of reseaches..Do I feel better? Not at all..

What's the average penis size?

The results from three studies of penis size where the measurements were taken in a laboratory setting give the following ranges:

•Average penis length (flaccid/not erect): from 3.4 inches to 3.7 inches (8.6 cm to 9.3 cm)
•Average penis length (erect): from 5.1 inches to 5.7 inches (12.9 cm to 14.5 cm)
•Average penis girth (circumference when erect): from 3.5 inches to 3.9 inches (8.8 cm to 10 cm)
These numbers are obviously very different from the sizes we hear (and see) in adult movies, and even the kinds of numbers you read on line. Why such a difference?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Does penis size matter to women?

A survey of 556 women between the ages of 19-49 asked participants whether penis length and girth matter. The findings included:

•18% said penis length was very important, 22% said penis girth was very important
•57% said penis length was somewhat important, 53% said penis girth was somewhat important
•25% said penis length was unimportant, 25% said penis girth was unimportant
A major flaw of this study was that it did not specify an optimal size. So women who felt penis girth mattered may have different ideas of what the ideal penis girth is. The assumption might be bigger is better, but this isn’t confirmed by this study.

Another ingenious study, done by Canadians, had women read erotic passages and rate them on the steaminess of the passage. The only thing they altered was the size of the penis. While some respondents did score the larger penises to be hotter, the differences were not statistically significant. Indicating that in a fantasy realm at least, bigger may not necessarily mean more arousing and penis size may not matter as much as other things.

While there have been other surveys that have asked women about the importance of penis length and girth, and most report that where this is a preference, girth is reported as more important then length, there doesn’t seem to be any academic research that actually addresses what size is preferable. If there were such research we could expect, of course, there to be great variability in size preferences.

How to use a condom?

It's easy.

There's not much more to using a condom than simply tearing open the packet and sticking it on your penis. However, condoms come in different sizes, shapes, thicknesses, and flavours. Experiment to see which are best for you. If you're having anal sex, always go for a thicker condom.

Men with larger organs might not be boasting when they say their condoms are too tight—sheaths do vary considerably in size and shape (as well as thickness) and research suggests men do find some much more comfortable than others. If you find one type of condom uncomfortable, shop around until you find another that suits you better. Widely available condoms vary in length from 168—191 mm while circumferences range from 98—111 mm.

Check the use-by date as condoms can deteriorate with age.

If you don't like using condoms, practise putting them on and ejaculating into them at home. This really is a problem that's all in the mind. Condoms don't affect sexual performance — in fact, they may prolong it. Some women don't like condoms as they can irritate the vagina. This can be overcome with a little lubricant (not oil-based as this can split latex condoms). In the rare case of latex allergy or overwhelming urge to use your favourite oli-based lubricant, use polyurethene condoms.

Make sure the condom meets recognized safety requirements (the British Standard Kitemark symbol on condoms manufactured in the UK is generally acknowledged to be the highest standard in the world). Never trust condoms that are shaped like animals, are luminous in the dark, or play tunes when you take them out of the packet. These are novelty products, recommended only for blowing up, sticking over your head, or making water bombs.

Where to get condoms...
Go to your local family planning clinic and you may well get them free.

Who Is Affected by Sexual Problems?

Both men and women are affected by sexual problems. Sexual problems occur in adults of all ages. Among those commonly affected are those in the geriatric population, which may be related to a decline in health associated with aging.

How Do Sexual Problems Affect Men?
The most common sexual problems in men are ejaculation disorders, erectile dysfunction, and inhibited sexual desire.

What Are Ejaculation Disorders?
There are different types of ejaculation disorders, including:

Premature ejaculation -- This refers to ejaculation that occurs before or soon after penetration.
Inhibited or retarded ejaculation -- This is when ejaculation is slow to occur.
Retrograde ejaculation -- This occurs when, at orgasm, the ejaculate is forced back into the bladder rather than through the urethra and out the end of the penis.

In some cases, premature and inhibited ejaculation are caused by a lack of attraction for a partner, past traumatic events and psychological factors, including a strict religious background that causes the person to view sex as sinful. Premature ejaculation, the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, often is due to nervousness over how well he will perform during sex. Certain drugs, including some anti-depressants, may affect ejaculation, as can nerve damage to the spinal cord or back.

Retrograde ejaculation is common in males with diabetes who suffer from diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage). This is due to problems with the nerves in the bladder and the bladder neck that allow the ejaculate to flow backward and into the bladder. In other men, retrograde ejaculation occurs after operations on the bladder neck or prostate, or after certain abdominal operations. In addition, certain medications, particularly those used to treat mood disorders, may cause problems with ejaculation. This generally does not require treatment unless it impairs fertility.


For years, men believed that sexual problems were a normal part of growing older. Fortunately, modern medicine and changing attitudes have debunked this myth. As men and their healthcare providers become more comfortable talking about sexual problems and new treatments are developed, there is no reason why men cannot remain sexually active well into their 70s and beyond.

Sexual problems in men include:

•An inability to acquire or maintain an erection satisfactory for sexual intercourse (also called impotence or erectile dysfunction [ED])
•A lack of interest in sex (diminished libido)
•Premature ejaculation
•Delayed or inhibited ejaculation